Category: Event Planning

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Equipment, Event Planning, Funfair Rides, Manufacturer Profile

Vekoma, A Manufacturer Profile

8 March 2023

In 1926 Hendrik op het Veld formed Veld Koning Machinefabriek (Veld Koning Machine Factory). This was abbreviated to Vekoma, and another legendary Dutch ride builder was created.

Only inline with many amusement ride manufacturers, it actually wasn’t. Originally it built farm equipment, and equipment for the mining industry.

After the 1956 closure of the Dutch mining industry, the company switched to producing pipework for the petrochemical industry.

1970’s And The Move Into The Entertainment Industry

The US based roller coaster manufacturer Arrow Dynamics contracted Vekoma to build the steel work for their European rides in the 70’s. As demand in Europe increased Vekoma eventually licensed the technology from Arrow and began building rides in their own right with 3 coasters being produced in 1979.

Super Wirbel
Super Wirbel, Vekoma’s First Own Brand Coaster

Named the Super Wirbel the first coaster was an inverted double corkscrew installed in Holiday Park, Hassloch Germany. Two of the first riders were the German Formula 1 drivers Rolf Stommelen and Harald Ertl , eventually they produced 7 examples. They went on the produce the Invertigo, Boomerang and Whirlwind coasters.

Alliance With Chance Morgan

In 2006 they formed an alliance with the USA based manufacturer Chance Morgan, with Chance building the steelwork for the coasters. They produced four in total during this period.

Acquisition Of Bussink Wheels Of Excellence

Vekoma acquired the Wheels of Excellence range from Ronald Bussink, whereby Bussink would continue to build the 100 metre wheels and Vekoma would build wheels in the smaller 40-80 metre market. They terminated the agreement with Chance in 2012, but licensed the R60 metre wheel to a new offshoot of chance called Chance American Wheels.

Vekoma Wheel
Vekoma Wheel, A 50 Metre Wheel Operated At 6 Flags Park In Darien Lake

Madhouse And SkyShuttle

Vekoma also manufacture a couple of other attractions. The most curious in the aptly named mad house. Designed to give the riders the illusion of weightlessness and spinning upside down. In actuality, it is an updated version of the ‘Rib Tickler’, a ride that graced British fairgrounds in the 80’s, though never presented as well as the Vekoma version.

The other is the SkyShuttle. Raising riders upto 50 metres into the sky with a gently rotating gondola, the ride allows spectacular views over the full site.


Acquisition By Sensei Technologies

In 2018 Vekoma was acquired by Sansei Technologies a Japanese based company who specialises in both Amusement rides and elevators. The agreement was that Vekoma would continue to be run as a separate entity, so hopefully the brand will continue.

Event Planning, funfair events

6 Tips On Dodgem Hire

5 March 2023
Broken Dodgems

Dodgems are easily one the most popular funfair ride available to hire. There are some absolutely fabulous examples available. Unfortunately there are also some complete cowboys, operating complete garbage. Read our 6 tips on dodgem hire to avoid the junk.

When have read through it, visit us for a dodgem quote for your event.

1 Work Out What Type You Need

There are 2 main types of dodgem rides, continental or traditional British style. Although the ride experience is essentially the same, they each have some unique strengths.

Hire Dodgems Continental Style

This type is the modern, slightly larger, ofton oblong shaped dodgem track. The ride essentially folds up on itself, and is then raised hydraulically off the floor allowing wheels to be fitted. The main advantage of this type is speed. Generally a smaller crew, can erect a continental dodgem in half the time of the traditional type. They also tend to be more highly decorated, with better sound systems and airbrushed artwork. The main drawback is the fact that they need to be driven into position. They cant be taken over a wall, through a narrow gate or up stairs.

Continental Dodgems For Hire 6 Tips On Dodgem Hire
Continental Dodgems For Hire

Traditional Dodgems

The traditional dodgem on the other hand, dismantles into small sections. It can be carried into almost any venue. The drawback with the ride, is the fact that it can take 6-8 hours to erect, as opposed to 3-4 hours for a continental type. Oh, and you tend to have to pay for all that extra work.

Traditional Funfair Dodgems Ride
Traditional Dodgems For Hire

2 Find Out Exactly What You Are Getting

Most rides of either type, need 2 heavy goods vehicles (averaging around 7 m.p.g), a support vehicle. Generator, 4-6 staff. 2 days to set up, operate and dismantle. Insurance, maintenance and general running costs. All legitimate operators have these as fixed, unavoidable expenses. So when someone offers you a dodgem for half the price of everybody else, you should be suspect.

I know of 2 unscrupulous operators with the following deals;

The first would offer you dodgems for around £800. Less than half the going rate. You would book them thinking you are getting a super deal. When the dodgems arrive and erected, you find that they have no lights, no music, no rain cover and 4 dodgem cars. When you query this sorry state of affairs, you are shown a folder with a picture of the £800 dodgems in, which is what you’ve hired. The operator would then turn a page showing a picture of the £1000 dodgems, which is the same ride but with a rain cover added. This process would be repeated a page at a time, until the final picture showed a fully set up dodgems for around the £2200 mark. Your choice at this point is to go ahead with the rubbish you’ve hired. Or pony up another £1400 to get a proper specced set up.

Broken Dodgems
What You Could End Up With

The Second Deal

The second one was even worse. They guy would quote a super low price, but when you wanted to book you have to agree to fork up a £500 non refundable deposit. The day before your event, you are informed that the dodgems, sadly, have broken down, but don’t worry, you are going to be supplied with a simulator ride, or a Miami or similar. When you complain that’s not what you want and ask to cancel, you are told you don’t get your deposit back. Again your choice is to accept what you are offered, or start court proceedings Would you win? Most probably, but would the hassle and stress be worth it?

3 Agree Your Operating Times

This is a must, a standard time slot is around 6 hours opening. They also need to be consecutive hours. We had one client booked us for 6 hours and wanted 3 hours one day, and 3 2 days later. Sorry, but the price quoted wasn’t to cover the ride being tied up for an additional 2 days. You wouldn’t be able to do that when you hired a car, so why would you think you could in this scenario.

4 Agree Set Up Times

Usually dodgems are erected the evening before they are needed, and dismantled straight after the event. Depending on the work load, an operator may agree to leave them in situ when the event finishes and come back the next day. However don’t just presume this. Quite often we can be operating on a saturday night at one venue, and need to be in position at another Sunday morning.

5 Make Sure You Receive All The Safety Docs

Of all our 6 tips on dodgem hire, this one is the most important.

Currently a reputable operator should be able to supply as a minimum;

  • Public Liability Insurance Certificate Of At Least £5 Million
  • Risk Assessments
  • Method Statements
  • Daily Check Log Book
  • Adips Annual Inspection Certificate

The good operators will go farther and supply additional health and safety documentation. With regards to the ADIPS certificate, check it out at to ensure it is genuine. The advent of the scanner and photo shop means a young kid can alter the date or name on a certificate. Same goes for the insurance.

6 Ask For Testimonials

The best operators in the hire arena tend to specialise in these jobs exclusively. Some operators spend most of their time at traditional funfairs, and the private jobs are an afterthought. That’s not to say some of these aren’t quite good. They are, but the best operators tend to pay more attention to customer service, and operate to a higher standard. By all means ask for contact names at some of the larger corporate clients they have had. A good operator should have no issue with sending you details of jobs they have done.

If after reading our 6 tips on dodgem hire you are still unsure, by all means drop us an email asking for help.

Event Planning, funfair events, Funfair Rides

Hire Funfair Dodgems Throughout The UK

2 March 2023

When it comes to rides, you really need to hire funfair dodgems. Nothing comes close for fun, and it is equally suitable for younger kids, as well as grandparents. Over time we have been asked many questions regarding dodgem hire, so we are listing a few of the most common here.

One of the most asked questions is can I hire dodgems near me.

We cover the full UK, so rides are available for events wherever you are.

Are dodgems suitable for a wedding?

Yes, they are a ride that most everyone loves, from kids through to the elderly, they are a definite hit at weddings.

How big are they?

They range in size from smaller version of the traditional English type track at around 50ft by 50ft. To the larger continental tracks at 75ft by 55ft. There has been an occasional track upto 100ft in length, but these tend to be far too much work for most short events.

How much do they cost?

It is impossible to give a definite answer because it depends on which type of track, where in the UK, when the event is etc. Roughly they will be between £1600 and £2500

How long do they take to set up?

The older build up tracks can be upto around 8 hours. Some of the more modern tracks have been built for high speed set up and can be as little as 3 hours.

Do they come with music.

Yes all of our tracks have music, lights and a top cover for use in the rain.

Can they be set up indoors.

If the access doors are large enough then the continental tracks can be driven into position and set up. If not it may still be possible to use the traditional type track as they are supplied in small sections, however it will increase the set up costs.

Are they safe.

Very, all our rides undergo an annual inspection from an independent engineer, a bit like a cars MOT. This results in it being issued with an ADIPS certificate certifying that it meets relevant safety standards both electrically and mechanically. This can be checked on ADIPS website. Additionally each ride must maintain a daily inspection record for each day it is in operation.

Do they have to have loud music blaring out.

No, of course not. On a traditional fairground, every ride is competing with every other ride. So they are all trying to outdo each other. When you hire for a private event, you can have the music as loud or as quiet as you wish. Or even turned off. Want a personalised play list, no probs, just ask.

These are the most common questions. If you have any additional enquiries, leave a comment and we will add them to the list.

Hire funfair dodgems for the most fun at an event.

Event Planning, funfair events, General

Are Fairgrounds Safe?

23 February 2023

I think its perfectly reasonable for anyone to ask ‘Are Fairgrounds Safe’. Modern rides are higher, faster and far more thrilling than the staid ferris wheel and dodgems of yesteryear. But does this make them unsafe?

Add to this a far more comprehensive annual testing regime, and stricter health and safety enforcement and you have a vast improvement in place.

Modern rides not only have the benefit of far better material quality, they also have computerised safety systems to monitor everything, and we have a far better understanding of things like metal fatigue etc.

Freakout for hire
Higher And Faster

The Human Factor

There is one final piece of the puzzle though that is much harder to crack. That is the human factor. The vast majority of operators are perfectly professional, with H&S at the front of their minds everytime they operate. Sadly, like any other industry in the UK, if not the world, there are occasional cowboys.

Miss an inspection here, or disable a wind meter so you can keep going when its blowing a bit. 999 times out of a 1000 nothing happens. Its that rare combination of factors that coincide to create an accident that catches them out.

I fly light aircraft for fun. When I started I studied every accident report I could get my hands on, my theory being I would rather learn from someone else’s mistake than my own.

Experts who have made a career investigating accidents in aviation, state that on average there are seven steps that line up before an aircraft has an accident. The pilot may be an unsafe one, but has got away with it in the past because all seven steps haven’t happened together. Its a bit like swiss cheese, all the holes have to line up before things go wrong.

The other major human factor are the customers. No amount of warning signs, safety belts etc are enough to stop some people. They seem infected with the lemming gene, and are determined to remove themselves from the gene pool. Are fairgrounds safe, perhaps should read are people safe to be allowed on a fairground.

When It All Goes Wrong

Swinging Gyms

A long time ago, when I was still a kid, I remember a fatal accident on a fairground we were at. The ride was what we refer to as swinging gyms. Basically they are a large cage that 4 people enter. By rocking the cage backwards and forwards, they build enough momentum up to go over the top as it were.

Now this particular day, a guy decided that he was going to assist his friends from the outside. He climbed the 6ft safety fence around the perimeter of the ride. And ran to push the cage. Sadly, he tripped and fell face down on the platform as the cage was in the air. As it descended it landed on him and crushed him. His family won’t feel that fairgrounds are safe. But was that the fairgrounds fault.

Is that a genuine accident. The ride had been tested and find to be perfectly safe within H&S guidelines. Indeed it was retested immediately after the accident and passed again. It was surrounded by a 6ft tall fence, not something you could just hop over, it took effort to get over it. There were plenty of warning signs about. Yet a young man still managed to put himself in that awful situation. So what more could have been done to stop him?

I regularly see parent with young children on a fairground, who get talking to their friends then allow their kids to wander about unsupervised. You wouldn’t do this in a factory with machinery, or on the edge of a busy road, so please don’t do it on a funfair. Similarly height restrictions on rides are there for a reason, the amount of arguments we have had with parents, because there child is a couple of inches shorter than the safety height and they want them to be allowed on is frightening. Why would you intentionally want to put your child at risk.

How Can You Check

From the point of view of finding out if a ride is safe. All professional rides currently fall under the ADIPS scheme. This is the Amusement Device Inspection Procedure Scheme. Basically it is like an annual MOT for a ride. It covers electrical and mechanical safety. It includes non destructive testing for cracks in the metalwork. Electrical safety checks, checks that barriers and safety devices are fit for purpose.

If you are hiring a ride, ask for the ADIPS paperwork. This should contain an image of the ride in the top right hand corner. Along with a registration number.

You can contact ADIPS via their website to check that a rides test number is valid, and if there are any previous safety related issues.

Similarly any respectable ride operator will have £10 million public liability insurance. If you ask them are fairgrounds safe, they should not take offence and be quite happy to tell you of the steps they take to ensure this.

Perhaps we should look at the Health and Safety Executives own opinion when asked are fairground safe. They have stated in the past that you are far more likely to be injured on the way to the fair, than you are once you get there.

If you want to hire dodgems or other rides safely, just contact us.

Event Planning, Fun Story, funfair events

Wild West And The Golden Age Of The Fairground

15 February 2023

The mainstay of the modern fairground are the thrill rides. Higher, faster, more daring, with bright lights and loud music. But if we harken back to a simpler time, the main attractions were the shows. Wild West displays of shooting prowess, giants, strange animals, boxing booths. In the pre television and internet days, many peoples first glimpse of cinema was at a fairground. The trade organisation the Showmen’s Guild used to have a rule that a certain percentage of a fairground had to be reserved for sideshows. In my native North East, the popular local term for a funfair is ‘The Shows’.

Wild West

Some of the most popular were the Wild West shows, trick lassoo work, even fancier shooting, with live bullets, none of this modern day cork shooting nonsense. Though the fairground industry still has an exemption from firearms certificates for guns upto 0.23 calibre. And there is at least one example of a live round shooting gallery that I know of attending funfairs.

This was one of the most popular, in part due to the lady doing the shooting. Florence was not only talented but glamorous to boot. I knew her into her advanced years and at 70 she was still a stunning woman. Her son married my Mothers sister so we are family.

George The Gentle Giant

Another family connection with this one. An uncle from Scotland had found George and gave him a job in this show. George was one of the nicest men you could ever meet. I remember being a kid and at that age he looked like a true giant out of the books. He always had a smile and would say hello, but in his broad accent I could never understand a bloody word he said, so I would just nod. The picture of George shaking a ladies hand was one of the souvenirs you could buy from the show and George would sign it. The lady pictured is my mother. One set of photos actually had George stood holding a kid on each arm, I was one of the kids, but I can’t find a photo at the minute.

Boxing Booth

Another long time favourite in the old days was the boxing booth. One of the best loved was Ron Taylors. I can remember Ron, a really small guy who was lovely. Ron’s family had started a bare knuckle boxing booth in Wales in 1861. Only providing their competitors with gloves when it became compulsory in the 1930’s.

At the peak of the popularity there were around 100 boxing booths in the UK. I think Taylors was the last of them. He would recruit professional boxers as his champions, and if a local lad could last 3 rounds with him, he would receive a cash prize. Few remained on their feet to collect.

Ron once had the great Mohammed Ali give an exhibition performance for charity. The two became friends and the Champ invited Ron to his wedding blessing.

At Durham Miners Gala one year, where they was always a rough bunch, a drunken miner staggered up the steps of the booth and headbutted the large brass bell that Ron used to ring to attract attention. Trouble was said brass bell had a razor sharp edge. There was blood everywhere, they took him away in an ambulance.

Freak Animals Show

Probably something that wouldn’t get past the PC brigade now, but popular in its day. The animals tended to be things like double headed sheep, and snakes with two tails. All rather freakish, oh, and as a rule all rather dead.

One exception to the rather dead rule was on Gilbert Chadwick’s animal show. He actually had a live monkey as one of the exhibits. Joey the monkey was some small breed about the size of a cat. He was lightning fast and had really sharp teeth. This I can attest to, as a young kid, a group of us were with one of the older boys feeding dead goldfish to Joey. Unfortunately I didn’t let go of mine quickly enough and Joey bit me.

Colin, the older kid gave me a bottle of shandy as a bribe not to tell my dad. But when they saw the blood and demanded to know what happened I caved in and spilled the beans.

Now, to take your kid into hospital with a monkey bite, would be an unusual occurrence for any doctor. What made it worse, was the fact that this all occurred in the town of Hartlepool.

For those who don’t know, there was a French warship wrecked off the coast of Hartlepool during one of our many conflicts with France. Legend has it the only survivor was a large monkey who was the ships mascot.

The locals having never met a Frenchman, and being a bit dim, assumed the monkey was a French spy. They tried questioning him, but as none of them could speak French, and the monkey wasn’t too good with English, they decided to hang him for not cooperating. Hence the nickname for the locals of monkey hangers.

So, in we traipse to hospital and the doctor asks whats up.

“My son has been bitten!” says dad.

“No probs”, says the doctor, “What has bitten him?”

“A monkey”, replies dad, cheerily

“Ha Ha Mr Moody, we have heard all the jokes before, whats really bitten him?”

Now when dad again reiterated it was a monkey the doctor wasn’t amused. After a brief explanation though we got him to believe us, he ended up ringing a specialist unit in London to ask how to treat a monkey bite. Turns out the same as a dog bite, clean the wound and a Tetanus injection.

Striptease Show

Again, before the rise of the PC movement, there were a number of strip shows at funfairs. My wife’s Great Uncles owned one, which we used to see at the Newcastle Town Moor every year. To give them their due, they wouldn’t let us kids in, well, not unless we were accompanied by an older kid.

But we spent a couple of hours every morning in there attending some preacher giving religious education lessons. I am not sure how the heck our parents actually got us in there initially, but the preacher was quite astute. If you listened to your lessons and answered questions correctly he would give you a ticket. A certain amount of tickets would win you a bible. Suddenly it became a competition. We didn’t really want the bibles, but we did want to be top dog.

Those Great Uncle’s were the Gooch Brothers, George and Lonzo. Legends in the North East. Their ingenuity knew no bounds. One year at Durham Miners gala. The star of their show ran off at teatime. With no hope of finding a replacement they appeared stuck. The solution was elegent in its simplicity. They quickly painted a board for the front of the show with ‘Durham Sky At Night’ Emblazoned across it. When you paid you shilling to go in, you would find that they had removed the roof of the show, allowing you to gaze up at, yup, Durham’s sky at night.

A similar crises befell them at another event, and their crazy inventiveness saved the day again. Another hastily painted sign proclaimed ‘See the Holy Water Otter.’ When you forked you money over and entered the bowels of the show, there, sat on a table, in a cage, was a Kettle punched full of holes. ‘Holey water Hotter’ get it. Thankfully the patrons tended to see the funny side, as they seldom had to argue over the no refunds sign.

Their mother, was well known as the tattooed lady. During a particularly grim economic period, she was struggling to make ends meet. To remedy this, she had her entire body, save for her head hands and neck, completely covered in tattoos so she became a sideshows exhibit. Imagine the pain that must have been. I think they were of a lot sterner stuff in those days.

Other SideShows

I have only touched on the multitude of sideshows that once travelled the length and breadth of the country. Few of them would still be viable now. Some, like the strip shows wouldn’t be allowed. And others like the freak animals, well, you can look at that stuff all day long on the internet.

I especially like the cat in the last picture, I presume it is searching for some of the former stars of the sideshows.

Catering, Event Planning, General, Photo Booths

Tips For Planning A Wedding

11 February 2023

Planning a wedding is one of the hardest tasks you’ll undertake. With so much to think about such as the venue, budget, food, the guest list. How to make it special, flowers, color schemes, bridesmaid’s? This can seem an impossible task however I hope these 10 tips for planning a wedding will help all the brides to be. 

Start Planning Early

If you have set the day of the wedding and saved your date it is then time to begin planning. Even if your wedding is three years away in 2022 it is never too early to get on top of the planning and contact suppliers for what you want. Starting early can insure that you get everything you want and remain relatively stress free. The sooner the better. We have brides and grooms contacting us and placing bookings for one of our services such as the catering or the photography years in advance to ensure that were not already booked out that day. Our candyfloss and ice cream carts are always a lovely addition to a summer wedding. Something unique for the guests to make your wedding more memorable. Or maybe some mulled wine or luxury hot chocolate for a winter wedding? Book soon to avoid disappointment.

Setting A Budget.

Budgets are very important for weddings especially with hidden costs that can just creep upon you. You and your partner need to sit down and crunch some numbers to get a set budget that you can set aside for your wedding. Don’t forget hidden expenses such as dress alterations, beauty expenses and gifts for bridesmaids, flowers, the venue, music, invites and all the other costly things for a wedding.

Book The Best Photographer You Can

Your wedding album and other photos will be the main way that you will remember your big day for the rest of your life, so you’ll want to make sure that you find the best one in the industry. Make sure to see some of their previous work to see if it fits the standard and style that you dreamed of for your future wedding album, you could also ask friends and family who they may have used so you can get real reviews from people or ask the venue who they may work with to find a good deal.

There are many ways in the wedding to capture the special moments. Your photographer and videographer will capture the main bulk and every second of the day. As it is now the 21st century and guests will have mobile phones these will also capture the day I’m sure they’ll be many snaps and Instagram posts of your guests enjoying themselves and of course the bride and groom. Many weddings also enjoy a photo booth. We provide a number of different photo booths for weddings, from your standard photo booth in a box to the more unique ones like a taxi cab photo booth or an only fools and horses three wheel van.

Select A Theme

The theme doesn’t have to be an actual theme it could just be a colour scheme, but once decided on it will be easier to design your wedding around this for example table decorations and flowers you can match up with the colour scheme. Alternatively themes you could use for your wedding is chic, boho, festivals, vintage, wild west themed, whimsical, southern inspired, modern or traditional.  

Create The Guest List

This is usually a very stressful task so maybe better to get it over and done with quickly. You will need to sit with your partner and family to create the list of who you would like to be at your special day. This will need to referenced with how many people your venue can hold. Some people start with the guest list first and then try to find a venue that will hold the same as the number of guests they have planned to invite. The list may also need to cut down, decide who can have plus ones or if you’re going to invite kids to your wedding.

Give Your Groom Some Responsibility

Your hubby to be may not have been planning this day since he could walk and talk buuuut he will definitely have opinions and preferences and some of his own ideas. Remember its not just your day and that its also about him too so let him have some say maybe he wants to choose what’s on the menu or helping to organise the budgets or even the music and venue. We have had weddings where the bride has secretly booked the Only Fools and Horses photo booth for their Del boy fanatic husbands.

Accept You Can’t Please Everyone

This is yours and your partners wedding, no matter what you do make sure that you and your husband to be are happy with the arrangements. Sometimes other members of the family get involved and sometimes it can lead to disputes trying to please everyone. This is your time to be selfish. Make sure that the plans are your own and what you and your husband to be are happy with.

Be Prepared

In the famous words of the girl scout motto be prepared! Write down a list of things that could possibly go wrong at the wedding. Make a plan to get round this. This way if anything was to happen you’d be prepared to handle this like a boss. It wouldn’t ruin your day or stress you out. For example make a box of necessities such as a needle and thread of every colour available for any misshaps with dresses or suits, bobby pins, deodorant, pens, flip flops, plasters, extra cash, pens and paper and safety pins.

Food Food Food

Choose the menu when planning a wedding that both you and your groom will enjoy, don’t worry too much about everyone else’s opinions and dietary requirements because trying to please everyone will be too hard. Make sure there is food at all times of the day for example the wait from the church to going into the meal can be a long time without food, or after the meal when the party starts it can be a hungry time later in the night maybe have snacks or a late night barbecue on offer for them. We offer a number off different fun finger foods to keep hunger at bay such as crepes, hire hot dog carts, popcorn, donuts and ice cream.

Bride and Groom cake topper

Finally Remind Yourself What’s Truly Important

Try not to do anything wedding related two weeks prior to the wedding. This will help you to clear your mind and make sure that you can enjoy every part of the big day that you have planned. When the planning is getting on top of you do one thing at a time, maybe create a checklist and try and check one thing of each week or month to make planning easier.  Make sure you keep the big picture in mind, their will undoubtedly be argument’s, stressful times and difficult times throughout the whole planning of the wedding but remember that at the end of it you will be married and be spouses and live happily ever after…

Catering, Event Planning, Fun Story, funfair events, Funfair Rides

Hire Dodgems Cars For Your Event

8 February 2023

When You Want The Most Fun For Your Event

If you have arrived here you are looking for a dodgems ride for your event. A really nice dodgems.

Well we suppose you could want a scruffy one, something that looks like it came from the theme park at Chernobyl. In which case you really need to talk to a dodgy dodgem guy called Vladimir.

If you want the nice type then you can have a package tailored to suit you, even going as far as preparing a bridal car with ribbons and flowers to match if it’s for your wedding, or adding branding for corporate hires.

Your dodgems service will be a great centrepiece for your event, designed around your requirements so you don’t have to worry.

Easily the most popular ride you can have. Ideal for all age groups young and old. Everyone loves to drive a dodgem car, making them perfect for your fun day, or just about any event you can imagine.

You have the choice of a full range of track sizes in both traditional dodgems and ultra modern versions.

Don’t dodge us, contact us for a quote.

Continental Bumper Cars
Continental Bumper Cars

Funfair Rides, Fun For All Ages, Children And Adults.

Looking back on our long term records, this is by far our most booked fairground ride. People rent dodgems when they want maximum fun. Smaller children can be accompanied by adults, so its suitable for kids. Teenagers love it, even the older generation find it a fun experience.

Although it has to be said the aim of the ride is to ‘dodge’ the other cars, not crash headlong into each other, hence dodgems, (we know, we know, in the North East they call them bumper cars, but they are a hardy breed ‘up North).

Together with the Carousel hire , Ferris Wheel hire  and Helter Skelter it is one of the iconic fairground rides.

We can advise you on the type and size of bumper cars rides to best suit your venue and requirements. And provide guidance on the best funfair attractions to complement your event.

You need to take into account the ages and requirements of your guests. A well presented ride  has music and lighting systems. Creating a fabulous centrepiece. Easily the most popular attractions available.

If you want  radioactive rides then you are gonna have to try harder to find Vlad!

Continental Dodgem Track For Hire
Continental Dodgem Track For Hire

This ride works well with other offerings from our stable of entertainment including rides, games and fairground attractions;

You can have us propose a complete package for your needs when a range of fairground attractions are required, be it a company fun day, corporate event, a birthday party or you simply want to hire dodgems for a wedding.

Why not enjoy the event yourself comrade and leave the planning and stress to our team.

Hiring A Ride, What Do You Need To Know?

How much to hire  bumper cars near me and dodgems hire price, are regular questions we receive, unfortunately there is no simple answer to fairground ride hire prices, as it depends on where, when and what type. The where and the when are easy to answer, the other questions might need an explanation.

There are basically 2 type of rides available, the traditional type which is supplied totally dismantled and erected piece by piece., he advantage of this being that they can be carried through small gates, over fences, even upstairs, the big disadvantage is the 6-8 hours set up time.

Commonly referred to as a continental track or modern dodgem, the alternative is a set up time of around 3 hours. These are folded up onto a centre trailer for transport tending to be more highly decorated than the traditional model, contain more elaborate lighting systems and higher powered music.

The only real drawback with a modern track is that they have to be driven into position. So it limits the venues they can be used in.

You also need to take into account the track sizes and quantity of cars required. To ensure whichever you choose will fit in your intended venue.

You need to take care when hiring rides like this. The internet is great for finding something you need,but there are plenty of cowboys operators out there, check out our short article on finding the best ride for your money.

Hire funfair bumper cars from us and you will receive details of what you will actually receive. And we definitely don’t have anyone called Vladimir working here.

Check out the history of the dodgems or as they are sometimes known, bumper cars.

traditional dodgems for hire
traditional dodgems for hire


All types and sizes of dodgem tracks can be provided anywhere in the U.K.

The ride experience is identical, so it all comes down to whether you want a modern glitzy look, or something more traditional. Additionally access restrictions may stop the larger continental track being used.

As long as the track come with a top cover to allow use in inclement weather. All of ours do!

Absolutely nothing, they are two names for the same ride, bumper cars tends to be used more in the North East.

It depends on the type of track, where and when you require the ride, expect to pay between £1700 and £2500

Like most things in like, when it seems too good to be true, it usually is!

Catering, Event Planning, Fun Story, funfair events

How Is Candy Floss Made

3 February 2023

Have you ever wondered just how candy floss is made. That fluffy sweet treat, also known as cotton candy, papa’s beard, fairy floss, suikerspin depending on where in the world you grew up.

One of the world’s favourite treats, there is even a national candy floss day.

Bride With Candy Floss
Bride With Candy Floss

The Scientific Explanation

Candy floss is almost, but not quite, 100% sugar. There is a minute amount of colouring and flavourings, and if you go for our alcoholic range there is actual vodka, tequila and such like, but its mainly sugar.

Now a typical candy floss machine, has a cylindrical drum, with space in the centre to pour this sugar mixture into. This drum performs two important functions. It rotates at high speed, forcing the sugar outwards against a wire mesh. Secondly, this wire mesh heats up to 186 degrees centigrade. This just happens to be the melting point of sugar.

Candy Floss Head
Candy Floss Head

At this temperature, the heat breaks the bonds of the sugar molecules Causing the hydrogen and oxygen atoms to rearrange and form water molecules. The water evaporates leaving carbon behind, which begins to burn and caramelises the sugar.

As the drum is still rotating at high speed, this liquid is flung outwards at high speed. It solidifies as it streams out, but it happens so quickly and the strands are only 50 microns thick that you only really see it as it hits the inside of the bowl.

This is collected by the operator using a stick, or as they often do in the states a paper cones. The result is the classic fluffy candy floss we all know and love.

Making Candy Floss
Making Candy Floss

The Real Way Fairy Floss Is Made

Of course you try telling this explanation to an average excited kid and just watch their eyes glaze over. So just for them we have a real explanation.

Inside the bottom of our candy floss machines, live a band of Irish Faerie Folk, the Sidhe. These happy little folk sit there merrily knitting away to turn the mixture from sugar into fairy floss. Once they have knitted it they push it out through the little holes in the centre drum. Whereupon it is collected by the operator.

I know which explanation we prefer.

Check Out Our FAQ’s for more info on candy floss.

Equipment, Event Planning, funfair events, General

Berts Barrow – One Of Our Favourite Venues

3 January 2023
Berts Barrow Logo

Another of our favourite venues Berts Barrow.

Operating nationwide over the years we have provided attractions and services at a multitude of different events and venues. Some we visit once then never see again. Others we seem to turn up at regularly. Some we find to be awkward venues that we would rather not be at. Others like Bert’s Barrow quickly become favourites. Usually it’s down to the people in charge. They can make a venue welcoming, easy for us to operate at and make us want to return.

Bert’s is a family run farm, that has been turned into an events venue. Usable for smaller events such as weddings. Or equally lending itself to larger corporate events, with full funfair rides etc.

Wedding At Bert's Barrow

We have provided attractions for family fun days at a few events there and found Charlotte, Jason and the team to be accomodating and made the events just so easy for us. Definitely worth a look if you want to run a corporate function in the West Yorkshire area.

Berts Indoors Dressed For An Event

Pumpkin Time

They also offer a great time around Halloween when you can go picking your own pumpkins. Pet dogs? No probs, take them with you. With funfair rides and other attractions it makes a great day out for the family.

Pumpkin time at Bert's

For more details check their website out Bert’s Barrow

Catering, Equipment, Event Planning, Fun Story

Amazon Peak

28 December 2022
Amazon Christmas Huts

December is usually our busiest month, by quite a margin. This year it got even bigger. We picked up a contract with Amazon to provide their Peak Treats service.

Basically it consisted of visiting 70 Amazon’s in 4 countries over 6 weeks, dispensing over 66000 Salted Pretzels and 15,000 litres of mulled wine (Non alcoholic sadly)

So how did it go. On the surface all serene and everyone happy.

Underneath, our usual paddling madly like ducks to make it look all serene.

Last Minute As Usual

We were notified that we had won the tender for the event. However we had to provide a sample of the food and drink for a company tasting. So obviously we didn’t want to start spending money on stock etc until after the tasting just in case it all went Pete Tong.

Happily they loved the items on the tasting and everything was finally signed off, 8 days before we were due to begin. This meant we have roughly a week to design and build 6 new mini Christmas huts for the job. To buy and take delivery of high capacity boilers and pretzel warming cabinets, new mains, obtain enough stock and and sort out freezer facilities for tens of thousands of pretzels.

Building The Stalls

Luckily the local fabricator we use was a bit quiet on the work front. So we nipped some spare steel we had up to him and talked him through fabricating the frame we needed. This took best part of a day. Fortunately the cover guy we had found was in the vicinity that afternoon so he called and measured up for the covers we needed and promised to have them ready for Sunday teatime (The job started Monday morning gulp).

A quick trip to the woodyard to have the counters made, and then the paint shop to pick up our new favourite product Raptor with which to coat the steel. Nigel promised to have all the steel work ready for mid week so things were on track. Our resident wood guy measured up for the wooden panels we needed and promised to have them by Sunday as well.

Pretzel Storage

We priced up a freezer trailer hire for the pretzels, but quickly worked out we could buy a second hand unit cheaper than hiring one, so that’s what we did. It was delivered about an hour before our first delivery of pretzels, so just in time, but hey, it was there. This proved to be a godsend. Not just for the pretzels, but a number of other jobs where we usually ended up disposing of stock, we suddenly found we had the storage capacity to keep it, so win win all around.


A salted pretzel

The pretzels came from a company we have used in the past who import them directly from Germany. The mulled wine was sourced initially from a localish company, which was handy, the problem was they only did them in bottles. So for the initial batch I ordered a thousand bottles. We went in one of our vans to collect the order. 2 pallets worth. The fork lift driver rubbed his beard, “Whats the payload of this van”.

“About a 1.2 tonne I think”, I replied.

“Ahh well 2 pallets is 1.2 tonne mate, and you too will take it a little over”

Oh FFS. “It’ll be OK, stick them in”

Only it wasn’t, once they were in the van towbar was touching the floor. Turns out that particular van was only a 1 tonne payload. We had to take one out and make another sodding trip. After that we sourced an alternative that came in 10 litre drums and was delivered direct to our yard.


The equipment we sourced started out pretty well. And worked pretty well for about a fortnight. Then the warming cabinets started blowing the electric at random times. Turns out they have a design fault. The U shaped heating element in the bottom expands as it heats up. As it expands it rubs against the ide of the cabinet. Luckily it is insulated. Unluckily continued rubbing removes the insulation and then blows the electric. Quick work bending the ends of the element sorted that out.


I had all 3 of our vans serviced before we started thinking this would ensure everything was OK. Only true to form Murphy bit us twice.

On the very first day the van i was driving suddenly flashed up a warning that it was no longer charging the battery half way to the site at Rugeley. Now having owned Citroen Dispatches for a number of years I know that a failed alternator or snapped fan belt doesn’t damage the engine. I also knew from past experience that as the battery voltage dropped the van computer would start to shut systems down.

Sure enough ten mile from the destination, just as I hit twisty windy country roads, the electrically assisted power steering shut down. Followed by brake assistance, lights, indicators etc.

I actually got to the venue, pulled into the usual parking bay and applied the handbrake just as the engine shut down, phew.

Now the important thing was we had got there. Getting home should have been a problem, but one of our staff, Fred, had been late getting to work. So in temper he was told he was going to have to drive his own van and meet me at the job. So we had a spare van to tow me back.

The same sodding thing happened a week later with a totally different van. Only this time it was at Dunfermline in Scotland. This resulted in us having to call at Halfords and buy 2 new batteries so that we could keep changing them on the way home to keep the engine running.


Frank Spencer
Frank Spencer

Mentioning Fred, one of our regular staff members, we have officially changed his name to Frank Spencer (If you are too young to remember Frank, check him out here) . He left a trail of destruction throughout the duration of the contract. including;

Putting the plastic chocolate sauce bottles in the electric pretzel oven to warm them up. Cue an aroma of melted chocolate and plastic!

Faffing about with the gel packs in one of our ethanol gel pretzel warmers, managing to set his hand on fire, shaking it to get the burning gel off, and successfully setting fire to one of the brand new covers on our Christmas huts.

Deciding to move the fully loaded pretzel ovens on a job and forgetting to plug them back into the electric. Resulting in a panic to get everything warmed up in time of opening.


The only other real hiccup we had, was the fact that we would do an afternoon shift at Amazon, then go back for the evening shift. But for some reason, the night security never seemed to have been notified that we had been booked to do the job. Cue most evening trying to convince security to actually let us on site.