Author: Ems15

Catering, Fun Story

A hard core sugar rush

17 February 2019

Ever had the candy cigarettes as a kid? You’d stand and pretend to smoke them thinking you was cool before you’d end up giving into temptation and eating it all before drawing out your next candy cigarette and pretending to puff away again? Just like an adult, well how about a new extreme of pretending candyfloss is meth?

For one lady in Georgia it isn’t all fun and jokes with her candyfloss oh no she was in fact arrested when her candyfloss was mistaken for meth, she evidently wanted the hard core sugar rush. The 41 year old spent 3 months in prison due to not being able to afford her £780,000 bond. The candyfloss was tested positive for Methamphetamine which police have since said was due to a defective drug test.

The lady who had purchased the light blue and pink bag of candyfloss, or cotton candy in America, was wrongfully accused of meth trafficking, possession and intent to distribute meth to the public. This led to her 3 month imprisonment in which she stated she had missed out on many special family events such as the birth of her twin grandsons.

Laboratory testing

A state laboratory then tested the candyfloss to reveal that there had in fact been a mistake and the candyfloss was made purely of sugar and food coloring, the lady in question was then released however her record has not been cleared even though she was found innocent of any wrongdoing.

A 2016 an investigation found that cheap drug test kits that are often producing false positives which has resulted in many people being wrongfully jailed. Often labelled as drugs has been mints, cookies, tea and other harmless products! Sounds like it’s safer to cut out the junk food in America and stick to water and vegetables.

How is candyfloss made?

You make candy floss by putting sugar into the drum in the center of the machine. The center machine heats up to 180 degrees centigrade which then pushes the sugar through the mesh of the drum and candyfloss is webbed and formed. In order to change the color of the candyfloss you can add different coloring to the sugar. Here at the office we have thought about adding a powdered alcohol to the sugar to see if we could make alcoholic candyfloss however maybe this is a new market we could look into adding pure colorless methamphetamine powder… I know that the sugar rush and the color pigments can send a child hyper but I wouldn’t have thought a sweet treat you buy from the fairground for your kids would be mistaken for a deadly street drug talk about a hard-core sugar rush.

BBC Article

Ask about how to hire a candy floss cart without the meths addition.


More Taxes!!!

7 February 2019

Have you ever accidentally drove in a bus lane? Realised that thick white line was there and you’d just crossed into an Instant fine territory? Yessss we’ve all been there in fact on average, in fact fines are given to 178 people driving in a bus lane, every day it’s easily done

However I bet few of you can say that you’ve drove down a bus lane, and turned onto another bus lane on a different street and managed to clock up 2 tickets on the space of two minutes!! Yes that’s right two big whopping fines turned up to the office this Monday morning. Both from a Christmas Chestnut cart job.

Who’s The Culprit

So when the letter turned up in the office accusations and guilt began to spread just who was responsible for driving the company van on the 28th December at  7:23am…With some quick detective skills and narrowing down as to who was in Birmingham that particular day we had found our culprit and after a few rounds of jokes ‘was you driving round with your eyes closed’….’monkeys could be trained to drive better than you’….’did you not see any of the thick white line at all?!?!’ the boss paid the fine.

All jokes aside however more than 2,000 bus lane fines were issued on average per week in Birmingham during the first three months of 2018 and from 2016 to 2018 the number of bus lane cameras in the city has doubled to over 25, now speaking from experience Birmingham is already one of the most difficult towns to drive around, got to watch out for all the lanes, trams, public, red lights, kids and now speed cameras and bus lane cameras even for the most experienced driver this can be a difficult task.

I am happy to say that he only made this mistake one of the three days he was working in Birmingham.

Catering, Fun Story

Sweet Crime Or Punishment

31 January 2019

Sweet Crime

Life in prison can be tough, it’s a form of capturing and rehabilitating criminals to help keep our streets safe. Prisoners are allowed few comforts, food, warmth, pictures of loved ones.

One of the biggest comforts being Cigarettes. A new law was introduced which revealed that smoking in prisons was being banned however. This is for the health and benefit of everyone involved in prison life. Prisons across England, Scotland and Wales have made a commitment to move towards smoke free prisons as soon as possible in a safe and controlled way

Treats For The Inmates

HMP Kilmarnock in Scotland was the first prison to make headlines for their approach to cutting out the cigarettes. A few days after the ban was introduced prison wardens went round the cells with a bag of popcorn and candy floss for each member. Giving the inmates sweet treats, helping them with their cigarette withdrawal cravings. The next night they took red kola and a word search booklets to the prisoners. It surprised many prisoners to find a bag of goodies waiting for them many joking that they were concerned about the weight may put on now. As a result they’d changed their nicotine fix to a sugar fix.

Much praise greeted this move throughout the legal system, everyone knowing it can be hard to kick a cigarette habit . Especially so in a prison environment, hence the offering of sweet treats. To take their mind off the cravings and hopefully help them. Liam Kerr receiving a negative review on this however. Stating that he felt the justice system would become a laughing stock for offering inmates candyfloss and sweet treats, it’s a prison not a holiday home.

We have given our candyfloss and popcorn out at many different events. To many different people for many different reasons. No one asks us for prisons however. I wonder if this will be a new trial that all prisons offer to inmates. I know I wouldn’t turn down free candyfloss or popcorn ever! Is this a sweet treat or a sweet crime?

View more details in the media.

Hire a candy floss cart, or popcorn for your event.

Photo Booths

A Unique Photo Booth Entrance To A Speakeasy

28 January 2019

The year 2019, 86 years after the Speakeasy era had ended and alcohol is very much legal. You’d think in the 86 years of modern times and legal alcohol the speakeasy concept would now be a thing of the past… a distant memory… just like the steam engine, the chimney sweep and the workhouses but that’s not the case! In fact the speakeasy concept flourishes so much so that every town and city has some sort of bar on their streets that follow this concept., but none using a unique photo booth like this.

One in particular that caught my attention was the int bar in the Cubao Expo. The idea of a speakeasy bar is that the bar and entrance is hidden – with each bar following this concept, as the visitor it is up to you to sniff out the alcohol in the establishment and how to get on the inside!!!

To the Naked eye this looks like a standard photo booth, the type in a restaurant where after a few drinks you and your friends pluck up the courage to jump in the back of and spend the entire contents of your purse on photos trying to get the right angles and the perfect photo. And believe you me it’s hard to get a strip of photos that would put the Kardashian to shame!

Now to a trained eye (and a regular) at INT. Bar in Cubao Expo you will realise that this photo booth is in fact the entrance to a speakeasy style bar.

One Quirky Entrance

Behind the red curtain lies the entrance to a quirky and characteristic little bar. You start with taking an old fashioned black and white photo of you and your friends and then proceed through the door to take a seat it the speak easy. The bar owned by 4 Cubao Expo regulars covers the concepts and personalities of each member. The photo booth comes from one of the owners love for photography whilst the cocktails (all named after iconic films and actors) was the idea of another.

LOOK: This Photo Booth in Cubao Leads to a Secret Bar